Delivering unbiased professional evaluations with your best interest in mind.

Our Approach

When you buy a new home or when you sell your home, you want to make sure it is structurally safe for living. If you’re selling, you don’t want the liability of an unsound foundation, and if you’re buying, you don’t want the hassle and cost of foundation repair right after moving in. Calling an independent professional engineer can provide you with an accurate assessment of the condition of your home’s foundation so that you can make an informed decision.

Our independent engineering service can deliver an unbiased professional evaluation of the condition of your foundation, provide a professional engineer’s report, and give objective guidance on the consideration of potential repairs, if necessary.

The benefit of calling us rather than a foundation repair company is that repair companies have a vested interest in performing foundation repair on your home whether it is necessary or not. Our engineers are not salesmen, and will simply give you an independent third-party evaluation of the actual condition of the foundation. In addition, our engineers can help to identify the root cause of foundation abnormalities including expansive soils, plumbing leaks, drainage and moisture issues, trees and landscaping, and grading issues.

Your home is most likely your greatest monetary investment. The cost of a foundation inspection by a professional engineer is a fraction of the costly investment of having foundation repair work done on your home.

Contact us prior to committing to costly foundation repairs.

Why hire an Engineer?

Reasons for Seeking a Foundation Inspection

What are some reasons for seeking a foundation Inspection?

  • Purchasing a new home

  • Selling an existing home

  • Uncertain of need for repair

  • Seeking a second opinion

What are Some Visible Signs of Distress

What are some visible signs of distress in the home due to foundation movement?  (Foundation movement is not necessarily an indication of foundation structural failure.)

  • Cracks in sheet rock

  • Cracked tiles

  • Sticking doors

  • Separation from windows and brick

  • Cracks in masonry (brick and mortar)

  • Floors not level

If your current or future home shows visible signs of distress, please give us a call and we can help you determine if the foundation is performing adequately.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.